Feel free to copy and paste the information below to use for a letter to a treating physician about returning an injured employee to work.




[Physician Name]
[Physician Address]
[City, ST Zip]

Dear [Physician Name]:

[Injured employee’s name] is employed by [company name] as a [position]. They were injured on [injury date] and you treated them on [treatment date].

[Company name] has implemented a return-to-work program designed to return an injured employee to the workplace as soon as medically possible. If [employee name] is unable to return to their job, we’ll make every attempt to return them to modified duties or an alternative duty position. We’ll also ensure that the position meets with all medical restrictions that you prescribe. [Employee name] is aware of our desire to return them to the workplace. If necessary, we’re willing to rearrange work schedules around diagnostic or treatment appointments.

Our company has identified job duties that may be suitable for a return-to-work situation. We’ve enclosed a job description with required physical demands that may be appropriate for [employee name] based on our knowledge of the injury. Please help us by reviewing the attached position and providing your recommendations. We’d also like updated recommendations after each appointment.

Please call me at [company phone number (XXX) XXX-XXXX] if you have any questions about our return-to-work program or the proposed job position. Thank you in advance for your participation in our efforts to return [employee name] to a safe and productive workplace.

Thank you,


[Company representative]
[Company name]