In recognition of tremendous efforts in building a campaign against driving under the influence during this past holiday season, WCF Insurance has received the 2024 Best in Category Award in Innovation for mutuality and adaptability at this year’s annual conference for the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC). Tyler Smith, WCF’s VP of marketing and strategy, received the award on behalf of WCF.

The Award in Innovation was first introduced “to recognize mutual insurers that exemplify the vision and entrepreneurialism it takes to stay relevant in changing times” (NAMIC - Award in Innovation). WCF was honored with this award for their 2023 holiday campaign, during which they provided $10 Uber vouchers to 1000 patrons and visitors of select bars and restaurants throughout Salt Lake County, helping them get home to their loved ones. The campaign was the result of creative planning and thoughtful partnership to address an urgent community challenge.

They are grateful for this recognition and are continually striving to support both their customers and their community. 


With over 100 years of service, WCF Insurance is an innovative commercial insurance provider that serves the Western United States. Their daily commitment revolves around supporting the individuals who drive community growth, including businesses they insure, valued agency partners, dedicated employees, and the non-profit organizations they champion. WCF Insurance’s unwavering mission is to provide an excellent insurance experience, while fostering positive change through ongoing commitment to the communities they serve. To learn more visit wcf.com.

1WCF Mutual, WCF National and WCF Select Insurance Companies. WCF.com/About-Us